Category Archives: Computers

Starting with EAGLE

The FREE version of  CadSoft EAGLE PCB Design Software is great to do PCB design for simple boards, up to 10×8 cm area, up to 2 layers. Here are some steps to get started:

1. Download the free version of Eagle (Mac, Linux, Win) just go to:

2. Go through the 3 tutorials made available on the Sparkfun website:

as an extra it’s good to go through this article as well:

3. Check these videos

If you don’t want to deal with size or layer limits then try KiCad:


WordPress permissions problems

Permissions are a common problem when installing WP. It took me hours to try to figure out the best permissions configurations and finaly I realized that there is a filesystem method in WP-config that overrides the direct file I/O by using the FTP credentials:

In wp-config.php





If the above does not solve your permission problems try:

$sudo chown -R YourUserName:www-data

$sudo chmod -R 775 *

